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Published 2024-07-09.

Recently, I’ve been feeling overwhelmed by the rapid developments in the tech world. The constant advancements in AI, viral success stories constantly flooding my feed, ongoing tech stack debates and clashes, the daily release of new frameworks and libraries have been triggering my Fear of Missing Out (FOMO) mechanism. It has become overwhelming and exhausting.

For the past few months, I’ve been exploring minimalism. All the stuff happening in the tech sphere is put in acute contrast with this newly discovered perspective and to be honest, I found it quite difficult to handle.

So what now? Well I want to continue coding. I simply am in love with it. But this FOMO has lead me to spend more and more time coding, giving me less time to relax, to hide from this relentlessly updating tech world. Maybe stepping away for a few days would be beneficial?

Well the next morning I woke up with a fever and a jackhammer in my head. I got tested : it’s COVID… again (I already got it in late-2021). I guess the universe is also telling me to step away from the code for a few days huh ?

So I’ll take some time off, try to distance myself from the code and come back with a refreshed mind and a clearer perspective on what I want to achieve with coding.


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